Meet the Spokesanimals: Duke Cadbury

Meet one of our Spokesanimals, Duke Cadbury!

Sweet dreams for a sweet pup

Duke is a 1-year-old chocolate Labrador who joined the ASL Solutions family when he was just 8 weeks old. Duke certainly fits the bill of the beloved temperament of labs   affectionate and loyal (possibly codewords for 'clingy'   but we jest). He was born with three male siblings, but something about him in particular caught his human's eye, and she brought him home. It could've been Duke's enamoring personality; he just loves everybody and is ecstatic to see them. And then maybe he's a little confused when they don't seem to be thrilled to be jumped on. The enthusiasm is endearing, though.

Are you supposed to be on the couch?

Mr. Cadbury is pretty mellow, otherwise, but if he's cooped up inside too long, he gets antsy and needs to go run around outside. One of his biggest pet peeves when he was a puppy was being told he's got to go back inside. Duke used to live half indoors, half outdoors   but now that he's old enough, he's moved into his very own CRB Palace. He's a big fan of the CRB calming bed, which he got to model for. He did a very good job during the photoshoot and got a sweet new bed out of the deal.

Duke enjoying his new bed

Duke is in the process of learning basic commands. He knows how to sit, lay down, and give a human his paw. Duke is currently in a biting phase (except it's gone on so long it doesn't seem like just a phase anymore), and he's an enthusiastic chewer. Mr. Cadbury's favorite toys when he was little were a soccer ball and a rope toy, and these are pre-approved for chewing and biting. And perhaps a shoe to chew on, but that's a contraband item. Duke will also eat just about anything   he's eaten enough toadstools that he really should've gone through the looking glass by now, and he doesn't shy away from investigating a dead animal. Duke has a culinarily adventurous spirit! A true backyard gourmand. (He prefers dress shoes to tennis shoes, he'll have you know.)

His latest favorite toys are a tennis ball slingshot contraption, squeaky hedgehogs, and deer antlers for chewing.

An irresistible face that's definitely about to go eat something it shouldn't

Duke has adjusted to his new home really well, and he loves his new neighbor, Tracker. Tracker is a puppy, so Duke has to be careful with him, but they have fun play-fights and tackle each other.

The local cats, though, had to show Duke who was boss upon his arrival in the neighborhood. Mr. Cadbury had to get a few cat smacks before he learned to give the cats a wide berth. A few cat smacks make any pup wiser.

A more recent photo of Duke   he's getting big!

Duke has recently been getting into shenanigans, like playing in the creek and chewing on the siding of the house. He likes to take logs from the creek and drag them into the yard   he is either building a dam or an ark, it's hard to say.

His favorite activity is definitely swimming! Clean water, dirty water, doesn't matter   if he can swim, Duke Cadbury is ecstatic to do so.

He's got a pretty sweet gig as a Spokesdog! You can hear more about what Duke is up to by checking out our Facebook page.

Duke enjoying the luxuries of the indoors when he was younger.

Image credit: Lyndsey Mulvey


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