Interview with a Veterinary Receptionist

Ever wondered what it's like to be a receptionist behind the desk at a veterinary clinic? We interviewed a receptionist, Rainey, a woman in her mid-twenties from Middle Tennessee, to find out. Image by Cedric Fauntleroy from Pexels When did you start working as a receptionist at an exotic animal veterinary clinic? "I started working here in the Fall of 2022. I got into this because I used to petsit a lot, but I moved abroad to study for a semester. I realized that I felt like something was missing when I was over there I missed being around animals. I'd been pet-sitting so frequently in the States that once I was without it, I realized how much it meant to me. So I found another job where I can work with and help animals. Also, after a year working here, there's the option to be trained in as a vet tech, and I would love that." Image by International Fund for Animal Welfare from Pexels What does a typical day look like at the clinic? "I do opening, so I g...