What Makes a Dog House a Dog Palace?

Have you ever wondered what exactly makes Dog Palaces stand out from the crowd? Search no further, you've found the right corner of the web to find out!

Our Spokesdog, Hank

ASL Solutions has been around for over two decades. That's given us a lot of time to refine our products into the wonders of engineering they are today. We continually make improvements and tweak our products to make sure they're the best they can be, and they're pretty darn awesome. All of our houses are fully insulated (yes, even the door), windowed, have raised and gently sloped floors, and are thoroughly durable. Check out our features in more detail below:

Three Sizes

Our houses come in three sizes: The DP Hunter, which is sized for small dogs or cats; the Dog Palace, for medium-size dogs; and the CRB, for large dogs or cohabiting dogs. Not to mention that we've had many happy reports from customers who use our houses as habitats for other animals!

The CRB, Dog Palace, and DP Hunter, respectively

Fully insulated

Each house has up to 4 inches of recycled, vacuum packed EPS bead foam in the walls, roof, and door. This protects your pets from the cold at night or if you live in a climate that gets colder.  You can read more about our foam insulation here and how insulation works in general here.

Foam insulation in the CRB

Easy pass-through door

Dog Palace doors are insulated, durable, and self-closing, making them ideal for keeping the elements out and the temperature inside the doghouse stable. The bottom half of the door is removable for training or for personal preference.

Easy pass-through door on the Dog Palace


Our houses have two windows; one in a panel in the door and one in the rear panel of the house. The dual windows provide cross-ventilation to keep your pup cool in the warm months, and they're easy to install and remove without tools. The houses even have built-in storage, as pictured below, so you don't have to worry about losing the window covers.

Self-storing window panels on the back of the DP Hunter

Raised and sloped floor

The floor of each of our houses is raised off the ground to provide a warm, dry bedding area for your dog. The floor is also gently sloped to make cleaning a breeze  just wash it down with a hose and the water will flow out the hole, taking care of any dirt or refuse that has collected on the floor of the house.

Raised and sloped floor in the Dog Palace


Our houses are available in two color schemes: wheat and brown; light grey and dark grey.

The two color schemes, modeled by the Dog Palace

10-year warranty

Our houses have a UV rating of ten years and come with a warranty against cracking and breakage for ten years. If something happens before then, just contact us and we'll get it sorted out.

"Sun" from Pixabay


ASL Solutions offers a variety of other products that complement our houses. We have the Palace Central Heater, which is a heater with a remote-control thermostat designed for our CRB and Dog Palace houses. We also sell a heating mat for the DP Hunter and Fleece Dog Beds for all sizes of house. For warmer weather, we have our Solar Breeze Exhaust Fan, which passively cycles the air in the house to keep your pup cool. For tough chewers, we have replacement parts and chew guards available.


Visit our website for more information on where to buy your own and see if any retailers near you carry our houses. We partner with several online retailers as well.

All in all, the Dog Palace is a unique, fully insulated doghouse that doesn't exist anywhere else, made with keeping your pet comfortable as our primary goal.

Photo credit: Judy McClure

Written by Skye Isabella Rose Iwanski


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