The Canine Good Citizen Test

Have you ever met a dog who's just a ray of sunshine to be around? They always have a smile and a happy wagging tail, and they're well-behaved around children and other dogs. Some dogs are naturally quite amiable, and all dogs have the potential to behave this way! How is that, you ask? Well, the Canine Good Citizen Test is a good place to start. Image by Lum3n from Pexels What is the Canine Good Citizen test? The Canine Good Citizen test (CGC) is an evaluation designed and run by the American Kennel Club (AKC) to help people train their dogs to have good behavior. It's just as much about the people as it is their pets, though! It's important for pet owners to look out for their animals and make sure that they can be happy and comfortable in how they move in the world. As a pet owner, you are largely responsible for your pet's actions in public spaces. The safety of you, your dog, and other folks and creatures is imperative, and the CGC test can help you and your d...