Dogs, Cats, Goats, and...Foot Powder? Nonhuman Electoral Candidates Galore!
Have you ever heard of a goat mayor? How about a cat or a dog? What about...foot powder? This is by no means a comprehensive list, but nonetheless a solid sampling of some of the past and current electoral candidates who weren't or aren't exactly human. Incitatus, the Roman consul horse They say to never look a gift horse in the mouth, but what about a Roman consul horse? The Roman emperor Caligula ruled between 37-41 CE. It is said that he had a favorite horse, known by the name Incitatus. This horse was such a favorite that Caligula wanted to have him nominated for consul (an important political position at the time). Incitatus may not have made consul, but he did make out like a bandit otherwise: a marble stable, an ivory manger, purple blankets, and a collar encrusted with fine jewels were among the gifts lavished upon the horse. Cassius Dio, a prominent Roman historian who lived well after Caligula, even claimed that Incitatus was attended by servants and fed oats sprinkl...