Adoption Options: Buying Animals Online

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between an animal shelter, a rescue, and a breeder? Have you heard of puppy mills but don't know what they actually are? Wondering if it's safe to buy a pet online? Are you considering bringing a pet into your family, but don't know where to look? This series is for you! Welcome to part 5 of our 5-part series, Adoption Options. So, what's the big deal with shelters vs rescues vs breeders vs buying animals online? Many people have strong opinions on this topic, but we aren't here to convince you one way or the other. We're just here to provide information on the subject. This series is here to educate people about the main forms of obtaining animal companionship so folks can make their own, educated decisions on what's the best fit for their lifestyle, family, and situation. Buying animals online Image by Fran Patel from Pixabay Is it safe to buy an animal online? Buying animals online is like the Wild West of pet...