How Do I Introduce My Dog to My Cat?

So you already have a cat, and you just got a dog (or vice versa). How do you go about introducing the two? Can cats and dogs really get along? Where do you even start? Image by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels Where to start Good news! There are lots of different ways you can safely introduce cats and dogs. Many dogs and cats live together happily for years, some even cuddling up or playing together. Before you start, there are a few important things to understand. It's good to keep in mind that not all cats want to live with dogs, and vice versa. If you're adopting from a shelter, try to look for cats and dogs who specifically get along with the other animal. Some shelters will specify that a certain cat doesn't do well with dogs, or that a dog has lived well with cats before. Additionally, a dog who likes to play rough might not be a good match for kittens or elderly cats, who are easier to injure with rough play. Even if your cat has lived with dogs before, that doesn...