Dogs of Myth and Legend

Canines have been an important part of cultures around the world for thousands of years. There is an abundance of stories, legends, tales, and myths that revolve around particularly special dogs. Here are tales of but a few of those canines of legend. Anubis Image credit: Wikimedia Commons Anubis was the Egyptian god of the afterlife, mummification, lost souls, and the helpless. He appeared as a jackal-headed man, a black dog, or a black jackal most frequently. Jackals aren't actually black, though Anubis was black because black is symbolic of the fertile soil of the Nile river, as well as the decay of the body. Anubis is often confused with the older jackal god, Wepwawet, who some believe he developed from. Anubis was wildly popular throughout Egypt, having shrines dedicated to him throughout the country. He was also the earliest god depicted on tomb walls (at least, those that have been discovered). Anubis was typically called upon by seekers of protection and ven...