The Dog Palace Isn't Just For Dogs!

Sure, you've seen photos of dogs in our doghouses before. You've heard tell of cat colonies huddling inside the CRB to stay warm. But have you seen a photo of a goat using our Dog Palace? Have you heard about Pekin ducks living in the CRB? What about rabbits? A potbelly pig? Roosters? Tortoises? Monkeys? Jude, a Dutch rabbit, in a modified CRB. The dog palace was designed for dogs, of course, but you don't have to use it to house dogs. We've had photos emailed to us of a goat peering out of a dog palace, and there are plenty of comments in our reviews on various websites that list several other species who comfortably stay in our houses, sometimes with modifications. On Wayfair, a customer who bought the CRB said that they used it to house their potbelly pig! Another reviewer on Wayfair cited using the Dog Palace as a duck house. One Chewy reviewer of the Dog Palace cites it as "purrfect" for their cat colony, and a customer on Sam's Club said the cats too...