How Do Insulated Dog Houses Work?

Have you ever wondered how exactly insulation works? Sure, it keeps stuff cooler when it's warm and warmer when it's cold, but why? Read on to find out how exactly the insulation in our dog houses works. Our newest palace design, the Colossal Round Barn. How insulation works To understand insulation, you must first understand heat flow . Heat flow occurs in three main ways: conduction, which is how heat moves through materials (like when you touch a cast iron skillet that's been on the stove for awhile); convection, or the way heat circulates through liquids and gases (like when you're boiling water, and the water on the bottom of the pan closest to the heat source gets warm, so it rises, and is replaced with the cooler water from the top, and the cycle goes on); and radiation, where the source heats anything in its path that absorbs energy (like when you warm your hands over a fire). Graphic from here Common insulation materials often focus on slowing conductive heat...