20 years of the Dog Palace

The first Dog Palaces actually had green roofs. It's hard to believe that the Dog Palace has been around for two decades now. ASL Solutions itself was founded in 2000 by Howard Atkison and Bob Guinn, making the company 21 years old this year. Before making dog houses, we actually made wagons, which we called "Yardvarks" (clever, right?). Unfortunately for us, the little red wagon market was pretty saturated by the time we got there. Well, the founders got to thinking. What's a problem we have that there isn't a solution for yet? Both founders realized that they'd both grown up with big, outdoor dogs in their families for generations. But neither of them had ever been particularly satisfied with the dog houses their beloved dogs were staying in. So they came up with a list of features they wanted in a dog house: insulation, an indestructible door, something easy to clean...and thus, the Dog Palace was born: The first manufactured dog house with real foam insula...