Cats of Myth and Legend

Felines have been an important part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, ever since they decided to grace us with their presence by living near us, and eventually with us. There is an abundance of stories, legends, tales, and myths that revolve around particularly special cats. Here are the tales of but a few of those felines of legend. Bakeneko 化け猫 Yosa Buson (与謝蕪村, Japanese, *1716, †1784), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons If your cat ever starts dancing around joyfully with a towel wrapped around its head, you'd best start watching out for ethereal fireballs and reanimated corpses. Bakeneko , also known as "changed cats", "ghost cats", or "monster cats", are cats who were once regular cats, but who transformed into yokai , supernatural creatures. Tales of Bakeneko originate from Japan, and different prefectures have different beliefs on just how a cat becomes a Bakeneko. Cats who have been raised for twelve years in Ibaraki Pref...