Dogs and Chewing: Why it's Necessary and What You Can Do About it

If you've ever lived with a dog before, you have probably also had something destroyed by your furry friend. A deck of cards, a book, a pair of headphones, a couch, electrical cords, a door, a rug, your best shoes, toilet paper rolls--you name it, a dog has definitely chewed on it. Ever wonder why, though? It's actually really important for them to chew! Give a Hank a box, and he'll chew for 5 minutes. Why Dogs Chew: So why do dogs chew so much in the first place? Well, it's actually good and healthy for a dog to chew! Puppies chew a lot to relieve the pain of teething, much like human babies. We give little rubbery rings to babies to safely chew on, so you can see how puppies would need something similar. Their teeth are a little different, so a chew toy for a puppy might look a little different than a chew toy for a human baby. Dogs older than puppies chew to keep their jaws strong and their gums and teeth healthy. It's a natural way for them to keep up their dent...