Debunking "Dangerous Breed" Stigma

Have you ever heard about certain breeds of dog being more dangerous than others? Well, some breeds of dog experience negative judgement based on misinformation, which has serious consequences for those dogs and for their caretakers. But, there is hope! Read on to learn more about breed stigma. Debunking "Dangerous Breed" Stigma The angelic, perfect face of the beautiful Dessa. What is breed stigma? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stigma as "a mark of shame or discredit". It is also known as a negative preconception surrounding a group of people, animals, places, or things. So when we say "breed stigma" in reference to dogs, we mean to refer to the negative stereotypes that surround certain breeds of dog. Much breed stigma revolves around the apparently inherent danger, aggressiveness, and vicious disposition of certain breeds of dog, which is factually incorrect and serves to villainize innocent animals. The National Canine Research Council, the Ce...