
Keep Your Pet Cozy with the Palace Central Heater 3.0 WiFi

  When temperatures drop, your pet deserves the best in warmth and comfort. That’s why we’ve upgraded our Palace Central Heater to version 3.0 WiFi —the warmest and most efficient heater we’ve ever made. Ensure your pet's comfort with the Palace Central Heater 3.0 WIFI , designed exclusively for the Dog Palace and CRB Palace houses. This MET-certified heater features advanced capabilities such as a digital thermostat and remote control , allowing you to set the perfect temperature for your furry friend without stepping inside their home. Redesigned for maximum heat output and efficiency , this version ensures your pet stays warmer than ever. With the new auto-resume function , it seamlessly continues heating after a power interruption . Plus, with the optional smartphone app , you can adjust the temperature from anywhere, ensuring your pet is always cozy, no matter where you are. The app has also been revised to display the actual temperature inside the dog house for even g...

Meet the Product Models: Ace

  Meet Ace! Grchsd A&M Recovery Kickin' Aces is a 3-year-old purebred yellow labrador retriever. All those letters in front of his name stand for Grand Champion Shed Dog. Ace is one of the models for our Fall 2023 product launch, and we had the pleasure of speaking with one of his owners, Jason Wagner, to learn more about what Ace gets up to when he isn't being a superb model! Ace relaxing next to some sheds. Before Ace came into Jason's life, Jason got a dog named Boone. He liked watching Lee and Tiffany Lakosky on Crush with their shed hunting dogs, and thought it would be really cool to have a dog of his own to go shed-hunting with. So Boone came into Jason's life, and he sent Boone to waterfowl school. Jason soon heard online about a good shed-hunting training school, A&M Recovery Kennels, and decided to take Boone there to train. There, Jason met someone who soon became his friend     Andrew. Andrew is a dog breeder, and once said "You know what's ...

Meet the Product Models: Finn

Meet Finn! Also known by Finley, this young pup isn't yet two years old. He's a purebred American tricolor Corgi. His humans have friends who raise corgis, and they really didn't plan on getting a dog, but when they met the puppies on the day they were born, they couldn't help themselves. Corgis are known for their fun, low-key, relaxed personalities, and Finn is no exception. Finley is a playful dog who loves to howl     for attention, after he eats (all his littermates do), and when he's satisfied. He's cuddly and adores being around people as much as possible. Finn's not a big barker, and he prefers to stick close to his humans' sides. He just wants you to pet him! He's super friendly and energetic. When Finley meets a new person, he tries to sit under their feet or wiggle himself between their legs so they have to acknowledge (and hopefully pet) him. Finley was potty trained on the first day and is very smart. He knows how to sit, lay down, and s...

Meet the Product Models: Norm Update

You might recognize Norman from his previous interview a few years ago. He recently modeled for us again for the product launch for our calming beds. And wow, Norm has been busy since then! One of the first things Norm's human, Cyndie Kieffer, said on the phone was "Norm had a day off yesterday and he was disgusted by it." Norm loves to work. He's nine years old, and a border collie/husky mix. He has lots of different jobs to keep himself busy! For one of his jobs, Norman is a photo ambassador for a pet photographer, Grace Marie . He's great at hamming it up for any camera, because he knows he's a star. Norm's got a big, friendly personality! He's actually finishing up his time as a photo ambassador, and his human says he's "loving every shoot". He's also a registered volunteer therapy dog with Pet Partners. He volunteers at nursing homes three Fridays out of each month. He loves working at Helia Healthcare, Emerald, and Brookstone ...

Meet the Product Models: Gray Kitty

Meet Gray Kitty, a loveable former stray who wandered right into Gloria Atkison's life and thus began his career as a product model for ASL Solutions! She said "God gave him to me. When Buffy [a former cat-shaped animal companion] died, I told God I wanted a solid colored longhaired cat. Gray just appeared, 3/4 grown. He'd come and go at first, and eventually he stayed." Gloria says that Gray would prefer to be a housecat, as at first he was always trying to get inside, but that is not Gray's fate, as she is allergic to cats. He still likes to lounge by the front door and paw at it for attention, food, or in an attempt to get someone to let him inside. But of course, if you let a cat inside, they immediately want to go back outside. "He was a gift." Gray is such a loving cat that at first Gloria thought he belonged to somebody else! He slinks around peoples' legs, tries to get up on their laps, puts his paws up on their knees when that fails, and rub...

Meet the Spokesanimals: Duke Cadbury

Meet one of our Spokesanimals, Duke Cadbury! Sweet dreams for a sweet pup Duke is a 1-year-old chocolate Labrador who joined the ASL Solutions family when he was just 8 weeks old. Duke certainly fits the bill of the beloved temperament of labs     affectionate and loyal (possibly codewords for 'clingy'     but we jest). He was born with three male siblings, but something about him in particular caught his human's eye, and she brought him home. It could've been Duke's enamoring personality; he just loves everybody and is ecstatic to see them. And then maybe he's a little confused when they don't seem to be thrilled to be jumped on. The enthusiasm is endearing, though. Are you supposed to be on the couch? Mr. Cadbury is pretty mellow, otherwise, but if he's cooped up inside too long, he gets antsy and needs to go run around outside. One of his biggest pet peeves when he was a puppy was being told he's got to go back inside. Duke used to live half indoo...

Replacement Parts and Accessories: Our Square Site!

Replacement parts Our Palaces are built to be strong and durable, to last the test of time. However, some dogs are incredibly tough chewers. Or maybe a tree fell on your doghouse during a tornado. Or maybe you lost a small yet integral piece when assembling your doghouse     what is a person to do? Never fear! We have a new, updated place where we sell replacement parts     everything from roofs to thumb screws to reinforcement metal chew guards. Here's a complete list of everything we replace: Palace Central Heater PCH remote PCH window adapter PCH brackets The PCH is a great way to make your pet's home as comfortable as your own. DP Hunter and Cat Palace Door Base Roof Hardware Windows and thumb screws Door hinge screw and spacer Any treats in there, Gray? Dog Palace Roof Side panel Base Rear panel Front + door Door Hardware Door hinge screw and spacer Black caps Red caps and foam Windows and thumb screws Door chew guard Rear chew guard Side chew guards Front chew...