Meet the Product Models: Gray Kitty
Meet Gray Kitty, a loveable former stray who wandered right into Gloria Atkison's life and thus began his career as a product model for ASL Solutions! She said "God gave him to me. When Buffy [a former cat-shaped animal companion] died, I told God I wanted a solid colored longhaired cat. Gray just appeared, 3/4 grown. He'd come and go at first, and eventually he stayed." Gloria says that Gray would prefer to be a housecat, as at first he was always trying to get inside, but that is not Gray's fate, as she is allergic to cats. He still likes to lounge by the front door and paw at it for attention, food, or in an attempt to get someone to let him inside. But of course, if you let a cat inside, they immediately want to go back outside. "He was a gift." Gray is such a loving cat that at first Gloria thought he belonged to somebody else! He slinks around peoples' legs, tries to get up on their laps, puts his paws up on their knees when that fails, and rub...